Burglaries are a serious and common problem. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, about 1 in every 10 homes experiences a break-in each year. This can be both stressful and inconvenient, especially if you have to spend time away from home while it’s being repaired. Fortunately, there are many ways you can safeguard your home from burglars and other intruders. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your home safe from burglars—and other unwanted visitors—so you don’t have to worry about it anymore!
Install a Good Door Lock
A good door lock is one of the most important components of a burglary-resistant house. If your door lock is easy to pick or break, it doesn’t do you any good. Make sure you install a quality lock that’s appropriate for your home’s size and construction. There are several types of locking mechanisms, including cylinder-style, lever-style, and deadbolt. Each type has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for your home.
Change Your Locks Regularly
This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s important to remember to change your locks if you move, lose your keys, or simply want to replace your lock for any other reason. Locksmiths charge a few hundred dollars per lock, which means it’s not a cheap solution for securing your home. However, it can be a lot cheaper than replacing your entire door if a break-in occurs. Plus, it’s also a good idea to change your locks whenever you move. This way, if someone has a key to your old house, they won’t be able to access your new one.
Install a Security Camera
Security cameras are another essential component of a burglary-resistant house. If you’re not comfortable leaving a camera in plain sight, you can also hide it in a nearby tree or another out-of-sight location. Cameras can help you catch burglars in the act and give you peace of mind knowing that you’re protected.Cameras are a great idea for anyone who wants to rent their home out on a regular basis. Many landlords require tenants to keep a security deposit, but if you have a break-in, they might not return the money. Having a camera will allow you to catch the perpetrator red-handed and get your deposit back.
Install a Strike Plate
A strike plate is a metal plate that’s installed in the door frame. It’s usually made from a thick piece of metal, and it’s designed to protect the door from being kicked in. If a burglar breaks in, they might try to kick in your door. If they do, a strike plate will help protect your home.You can buy strike plates at most hardware stores. They’re usually very cheap, so you might not think they’re worth the investment. However, they can make a big difference if you have a break-in. Plus, they don’t cost much and can be installed fairly quickly.
Keep Out-of-the-Way Spots Secure
When you’re cleaning your house, you might notice a few out-of-the-way spots that get a little messy. However, they don’t get the attention they deserve because they’re out of sight. Out-of-the-way spots are a great place to hide a security camera or install a strike plate. However, they don’t get the same attention as other parts of your home. That means they’re more likely to get overlooked. That’s why it’s important to keep them clean and tidy. You can do this by cleaning out the area and storing any clutter in a storage unit. You can also use a cleaning service to come in once a month and clean out the area.
Burglaries are a common problem for home owners. It’s important to take the necessary precautions to protect your home from intruders. You can do this by installing a good door lock, changing your locks regularly, installing a security camera, and installing a strike plate. It’s also important to keep out-of-the-way spots clean and tidy to help prevent them from getting overlooked.