London is a very safe city, but like anywhere else in the world it does have its risks. There are some common security risks in London that you should be aware of if you’re planning on moving here. These include pickpockets, muggings and petty theft, which are unfortunately very common in any big city. Other common security risks include petty theft from cars, burglary from homes and office buildings, and sexual assault. These risks are more prevalent in certain areas of the city, but they can happen anywhere.
London is a large city with plenty of crowds and crowds of people mean plenty of opportunities for pickpockets. There are numerous tricks used by pickpockets, such as distraction, the “two-trick” and “three-trick”. The most common methods, however, are “brush” and “drop”. Brush is when the pickpocket brushes against you and then touches you again with their hand. Drop is when the pickpocket puts something in your pocket then quickly removes their hand. Both of these methods are very difficult to avoid, so it’s important to be aware of them and look out for them if you’re in a crowd.
Burglary and break-ins
Burglaries and break-ins are common in any big city, but London is particularly notorious for this. Many buildings have security measures in place to prevent this from happening, but it’s still important to be aware of these risks. Look into the security of your prospective building before signing a lease, and if you’re moving into an apartment, be careful about who you let into the building. If you’re moving into a house, be careful about what you leave out in the open. Keep valuables like jewellery and electronics in a safe place like a locked drawer or a safe.
Muggings and assaults
Muggings and assaults are unfortunately common in any big city, and London is no exception. If you’re in a group of people, like a group of friends or a tour group, you’re much more likely to be the victim of a mugging or assault. If you’re walking alone, you’re less likely to be a victim of these, but you should still take precautions. Muggings and assaults can happen anywhere, but you should be particularly careful in areas that are less populated, like parks and train stations. You can also protect yourself by not carrying valuables, like a purse or a backpack. If you’re in a group, try to stay together and be aware of your surroundings.
Drug dealing and carjacking
Drug dealing and carjacking are particularly prevalent in London’s black and Asian communities. If you’re in an area where these communities are prevalent, you should be particularly careful when walking around. Be aware of your surroundings and try to walk in groups to avoid becoming a victim. If you see someone selling drugs, keep a safe distance from them and call the police if you think it’s necessary. Carjackings can happen anywhere, but they are particularly common in car parks and intersections. If you’re driving in a car park, try to park in the middle of the building or at the far end of the lot. If you’re driving an expensive car, park it in a well-lit area.
London is a very safe city, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. There are common security risks in London, but there are also ways to minimize these risks. Be aware of your surroundings, use common sense and don’t put yourself in situations where you’re at risk of being a victim.